También hay aquí otra posibilidad, por si no os gusta leer mucho. Un amigo del grupo lo hizo así, y a día de hoy juega muy bien. Cómo? Juega mucho mucho. A base de jugar casi dos partidas a la semana, o tres¡ el tío terminó aprendiendo las reglas. Desde las más sencillas a muchas otras complejas. Aún le queda por dominar todo, pero juega de PM.
Mid no está cerrado, y están sacando libros y más que deben llegar.
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Finlandeses para MID. También estarán en Late. |
En LATE tenemos 4 libros sólo por ahora. Quedan por salir muchísimos: SS Día D, Bagration con alemanes, rusos y países menores, Batalla de las Ardenas ( británicos, alemanes y americanos) y Berlín con rusos y alemanes. Pacífico con japoneses y aliados también saldrán.
Aquí tenéis lo que ha salido de Late:
FORTRESS EUROPE ( libro de transición de Mid a Late, es como un early late, lo sacaron para que todas las nacionalidades pudieran jugar a late desde un principio, y que pudieras sacar unidades de Mid en late; por ejemplo, los Panzer III, los Churchills de Italia, T70 americanos...)
11. Órdenes de Movimiento. Depende del ejército, y habilidad, pero podéis recordar ésto: blitz, si vas a sacar beneficio de ello, juega si vas a 3+, 66%. Si vas a 4+, el beneficio debe ser muy bueno para tirar al 50% . Follow me, vayas a 4+ o 3+, yo la suelo intentar hacer. Es mas, como el líder de unidad siempre mueve 10 cm aunque no te salga la tirada, es vital para mover con él 20 cm, 10 cm del follow me, y asaltar. Esto te permite asaltar unos cañones sueltos, unos tanques bailed y uno sólo operativo... muchas opciones. Eso sí, deja a 15 cm algún equipo por si muere el líder.
Y esto es todo. Creo que son los consejos más básicos que os pueden ayudar a mejorar jugando o a iniciaros en Flames of War. Cualquier duda que tengáis, me la hacéis saber y la podemos comentar.
Espero os sea útil el artículo.
beginner's guide to start playing. Getting better at Flames of war.
Well, let's
go with an entry dedicated to the most basic aspects of the game, which never
hurts. If you are just starting out or have only been there for a short time,
it can be very useful for you. Or even if you plan to pick up Flames since you
left it a while ago.
What am I going to discuss in this entry?
Well, it's about making lists, battle roles, assault, shooting and other
various matters that I hope will make you play Flames of War better. After
almost 7 years of V4, I may have
literally played more than 400 games and more than 25 tournaments, I can tell
you these tips that I hope will come in handy.
Flames of War is a complex game that means
that to play well enough it is necessary to master a series of aspects
considered basic and then soak up the enormous amount of details it has.
We are going to list:
The rules.
It is essential to know the most basic rules
of each phase of the game. Movement and orders , shooting, moral and artillery.
The better
you master the rules, the better you will know how to exploit the game
mechanics and get the most out of your units.
Invest time
in this part because for me it is the most important.
And if I
had to stick with one section or section, putting more emphasis on it, it would
without a doubt be the assault, which is the most complex part. It is the
rounds that almost always decide the games. Then we delved a little deeper into
Within the
rules section, a VITAL section is knowing the rules of the missions. The ambush
rules, reserves and, above all, objective control rules, must be mastered
Note that
in Meeting Engagement missions (dust Up, Free for all, encounter) both
contestants win in the same way.
In the rest
of the mobile and defensive missions where there is a defined attacker and
defender, they win in different ways. And sometimes it is necessary to wait for
turn 6. You must take a good look at that in the victory conditions.
There is
also another possibility here, in case you don't like to read a lot. A friend
of the group did it like this, and today he plays very well. As? He plays a lot
a lot. By playing almost two games a week, or three, the guy ended up learning
the rules. From the simplest to many other complex ones.
2. The
Books/scenarios of each nationality.
Now, with 7
years of V4, Mid war and Late war are already finished or almost.
I have seen
players who don't know their own troops well. Mistake. If you are one of those
who find it difficult to memorize data, then before each game you take a look
at the units on the list you have. Try to know the movement, weapons and
characteristics of each unit. Or use the useful Forces of War unit cards
(printed) or digital.
But if it
is important to know your own troops, it is even more important to know those
of your rival. When your time allows, take a look at the rival armies. Or
whatever you're going to play against. There is nothing more disastrous than
facing an enemy army and you do not know the weapons and characteristics of the
rival units.
A game
begins to be won by making the list. I give you some advice that has always
worked well for me, and I have played a lot: make balanced lists.
Play with
Infantry, artillery and tanks. The proportion will vary depending on the role
you want to give it.
making a list, think about whether you want to attack, defend, or have an
intermediate list in case you are interested in both roles. Of course, as long
as you play with battleplans. Based on this, choose those troops.
But it
always has those three types of units. The famous combined arms. For me,
infantry is what completes the assaults and wins the games. But without the
support of tanks or armored units to attack and defend, plus artillery and guns,
you will be sold.
Even a list
of tanks to attack needs artillery to enter defensive positions with AT guns and
Infantry to assault. The infantry assaults much better than tanks: they do not
get stuck in difficult terrain and if they retreat they do so automatically
without a cross check, they enter buildings, unlike tanks, and there are many
bases roll to hit in assauts for a cheap price.
By taking
these three variables you will be able to face most rival lists.
If you
carry tanks, try to carry medium tanks with moderate at and others with high
at; With infantry try to always have a complete formation to have the HQ nearby
(essential for repeating pinned and counterattacks), get artillery with smoke
and use this smoke when you assault or advance with your troops ( russians,
trust in quality from quantity)
Placement of Objectives.
In Flames
of War, games are won and lost by controlling objectives. These must be placed
depending on whether you attack or defend.
If you can
place your objectives in your deployment area, do so in the clearest area of
scenery possible. This way you will see the enemy approaching and without any
And on the
contrary, if you place the rival's objectives in their deployment area, do so
in areas densely occupied by scenery. This will serve to cover you as you
advance and also hinders the defender in his shooting lines. And put the
objective in a field or forest if possible. So if you attack with Infantry or
tanks you can have concealed by terrain.
remember the general rule of objective control: you must start within 10 cm of
an objective with a tank, infantry or gun team, and end without any enemy tank,
infantry or gun team within 10 cm or less. In some missions where there is a
defender, he wins in a different way (repealing the attackers more than 20 cm
from both objectives).
And very
very important, therefore, and in any case. When deploying, always deploy as
far forward as possible and close to an objective. Because? You prevent an
enemy team from arriving, getting within 10 cm, and on their next turn from
making an assault and winning the game.
if you are ahead of the objective, the enemy must first eliminate those teams
and then approach the objective and stay 10 cm away. Let's say you win turns
and give time for reinforcements to arrive.
There will
be times when you must deploy the opponent. Just behind the target. Away from
the scenery that hinders you, like a forest. This is more complex to see, and
is learned over time. So in general, keep in mind what I told you in the
previous paragraph.
These are
the most basic aspects and the most important when starting a game.
The assault.
The most
complex part. And the most important. I already told you that you must read
this section well and practice it.
What you
should calculate above all in the assault:
- When to do
it. To do this, take into account the number of shots taken by the attacking
unit. And do the math on how many you would take. Then consider whether you do
it or not. You may want to smoke bombardment. Sometimes you may only need to
vacate one position, so you don't need to assault with an entire platoon. Do it
with just a team or two and minimize defensive fire. I have seen defensive
fires of 30 shots or 35...calculate before attacking!
The ideal
has never changed: assault after pinning+smoke. Sometimes both possibilities
will not be possible. If I blow smoke I'm not going to pin the unit. It happens
- take into
account the flexibility that allows you to send a loose Infantry base to
assault. This is of tremendous importance. If you play your tricks well, you
can cause real destruction.
Shoot other
tanks with your tanks. Move an Infantry base or two from a platoon to assault
range. Do this if you expect several destroyed or baileds. And assault then.
Many times I have destroyed entire platoons of tanks like this. Several
baileds, some operational, assault, survive the defensive fire and then fail
the roll to counterattack, and goodbye platoon. On three occasions my humble
piats have ended up with platoons of two Tigers. One was bailed, you assault,
you hit, the other gets a 1 or 2 (fp check) and goodbye platoon. Play with
Infantry. It is the most flexible unit. Attacks well and defends better.
- Assess
the opponent's weapons when you assault. If a defending unit does not have AT
weapons, assault without hesitation with your tanks. If you are going to
assault some tanks, don't do it like crazy. They will repel your assault with
their MGs. Do it in an area where you have concealed by terrain and if you
want, use smoke. And if you don't have plenty of AT weapons, like a single
Piat, assault those same ones after firing your tanks.
All of this
will become clearer as you play.
- Always
have the HQ close to the unit that assaults the objective. It is vital. It will
allow you to repeat the counterattack and you can also join the assault if it
is from the formation. An English infantry platoon of 9 bases plus the
commanders are 11 bases for the assault. And since you can move 40 cm to
assault if you get follow me, the range is more than enough to put all the
bases of a platoon into the assault. Even if you manage to assault a tank
platoon, you can do damage with the at2 fp1, the ones always come out (plus the
unit's at weapon).
6. Placement of guns units .
Always do
it behind Infantry units. And he calculates that the range of the defensive
fire is 20 cm. Therefore, between the rearmost gun and the most forward base,
there should never be more than 20 cm.
some mortars or guns alone will result in some tanks and infantry to finish
them off. Protect them with Infantry if you defend.
My advice
here is to always assess what you are facing. And if it doesn't suit you, run
away. For example, I have a platoon of Shermans, 3, and in front I have 5
Panzer IVs, because they are going to destroy you. Look for reinforcements and
bring other units, hide, flee, but wait for the confrontation.
Rate the
confrontation between your tanks. If you think they are superior to you, run
away. And on the contrary, look for objectives with your tanks that you can
defeat without great difficulty. This reduces the general strength of the
rival. Later you will go for the toughest objectives.
The more
you play, the more you improve. It is obvious, but it must be highlighted.
Practice and you will see how your game is more fluid, you get more performance
out of your units, and you can anticipate your opponent's moves.
I hope this
article is useful to you.
from Spain ( Valendune)